What To Do When Your Fence Rusts, Peels, Or Breaks

If you own a fence, or would like to purchase a fence, you would like to be prepared for the worst to come that would make the fence go in bad shape. A tree can fall on the fence, the ground could freeze during winter months, and more.

To start an inspection of your fence, take a good look at it and review it from top to bottom. You would especially like to see how the bottom of your fence looks, as if you own a zoo fence, you wouldn’t want to have an easy exit point for your animals.

As you take a look at your fence, be sure that it is not rusted. Fences that are often touching the earth will rust at a faster rate. After years of negligence, you can notice if the bottom half of your fence is all rusted out.

Inspection of your fence should also involve you shaking it to see how stable it is. Does it feel secure? Are any of the posts secure? If your fence has any coating, does it appear to be peeling off?

While documenting any damage, peeling, or rust, you would like to remove any grass, weeds, or vines that are growing on fences. While you may think that it looks good on your fence, it will actually do more harm to the fence overtime.

At the end of your inspection, some common things that you could find unusual about your zoo fence include lack of stability, lack of strength, rust, peeling of vinyl, holes underneath the fence, and vegetation growing around the fence. Here is how we deal with some common fence problems:


Rust is the most common enemy of chain link fences. After rust sets in a fence, you might not be able to restore it to its former glory, but you still can preserve it for a longer life.

Firstly, buy a steel brush to brush away all the rust from your fence. A steel brush is the most effective means of removing rust, and it will do a far better job than using your hands, a normal brush, or a broom.

Next, buy metal protective spray or coating, so that you restore the protection of your fence and that it does not rust back at a fast rate. Check your fence regularly for any signs of rust.

Peeled Vinyl

Vinyl coats help to extend the life of your fence, but there is no getting around the vinyl peeling off over time. To maintain a fence that keeps peeling vinyl, here is what you need to do.

Trim off any excess vinyl that is peeling off. Next, use sandpaper to sand off any edges of vinyl so that loose vinyl comes off and any vinyl still intact stays on. You are not going to remove all the vinyl, just the vinyl that you cannot use. With vinyl coating, spray the areas that do not have coating already. After coating, be sure to check your fence regularly for signs of peeled vinyl.

Tree Or Branch Falls On Fence

It happens to all fence owners once in a while, where something falls on the fence, causing it to break. There are three things that you can do in this scenario. You can buy a new fence, you can buy a new section of fence, if the rest of the fence has not been affected, or you can try to repair the fence by using strand wire to re-mend the broken sections of the fence. In most cases, it makes sense to buy a newer, stronger fence.



2018-06-19T08:56:49+00:00 June 18th, 2018|